Shoeing in the USA > May 06 Colorado Springs
Broken Knee and Founder
This horse had broken it's knee, but also due to this all the horses weight was being put on the other front foot which caused the pedal bone to drop through the sole. This is called founder.
This horse had foundered. All the damage you can see at the front is the dead laminae.
Hard Dry Frog
This is just a long foot, but it shows how the foot adapts to living in such dry conditions. That frog was rock solid.
Selenium Poisoning
Selenium is a mineral found in soil, in some parts of the world if the levels in the soil are very high and this is what the horse grazes on it has a toxic affect on their feet. The hoof wall detaches. Look at the groove around the foot, this is causing the feet to be very unstable.
Impression Material
When the feet are this unstable you have to support them by any means you can. Impression material was used on the bottom of the foot to spread the load.
Screwing on Clog
When it's not possible to nail a shoe on you can use a screw and glue combination.
Gluing the Clog on with Super Fast which sets in about 30 seconds.
Deep Digital Flexor Tendon Strain
This is a Pattern Bar shoe that the horse arrived in. This horse had seriously damaged it's Deep Digital Flexor Tendon.
Finished shoe
This is a more flexible system as it can be removed and modified by filing down the Ply wood as necessary.
Another Founder Case
Long feet fitted with Clogs.
After shoeing
After shoeing the foot was in much better proportions. We again fitted him with clogs.
View from the heels
Impression Material has been used under the clog for extra support to the back of the foot.