Recent News
Entries from June 1, 2008 - June 30, 2008
Wire spike in frog
This horse had a mystery intermittent lameness and this is what I found. Click on the picture to see more.
Anvil Vets Open Evening
Just want to thank all of you that attended Anvil Vets Open Evening. I was really pleased to have your support during my shoeing demonstrations. I hope that you found the evening enjoyable, and you all went home having learnt something. I will keep you updated for the next event.
Vet / Farrier Research Group
I am part of a very progressive group of people known as the Vet / Farrier Research Group and this weekend we've just spent a day in Kent doing some dissections and putting our minds together to shoe some trickier cases. Below is a picture I was very pleased with showing the Laminae of the foot. So with the wall stripped off this is what you would see underneath.
Dramatically Changing the angle of the Pedal Bone
This small case study is of a brood mare with bad Navicular. She has exceptionally collapsed heels and her Pedal bone is tipped back. She has been an on-going project. Below is one of our latest Radiographs after shoeing with a 10 degree heel raise. This change in angle has definitely improved her. Click on either of the images below to see a few more pictures.
Back in the country
Hi everyone, thanks for your patients whilst I was away in Colorado. I had a fantastic time. Keep your eyes peeled over the coming weeks as I've got some new pictures to share with you including some good dissection ones. Here is one to give you a taster.