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Entries from June 1, 2009 - June 30, 2009
Ashton's Showjumps
One of my good clients Ashton has just set up a business making show jumps of many varieties. If your interested contact her on the details below.
Crack Transformation
This is not a crack I've been lucky enough to deal with but I happened to see this horse again today and couldn't believe the transformation. The top picture was taken in November 2006, and the lower picture today 2 1/2 years later. Due to the crack starting right at the coronary band I wasn't sure at the time if you'd be able to achieve normal foot growth. With Dave Nicholls's skills he's just proved that anything is possible.
Click on either image to see more images of how it looked in 2006.
2 yr old Thoroughbred Filly just back from training
Just took these shocking pictures of a 2 yr old Filly that's just come back from training. I have trimmed her feet every 4 weeks since the day she was born and would consider her to have small but good feet. She's just been away for breaking and training and returned back to me after 9 months with these long feet. I find it very disappointing that so much money is put into getting these race horses to perform well but yet something so simple as the balance of the feet is forgotten. This is pretty common on race horses and it just makes me think how much faster could they go if their toes were shortened and the shoe was placed centrally underneath their coffin joint. Also it is no surprise with feet being left like this that they break down so young, and suffer from tendon issues.
Here are some pictures from today all of the same foot. I think they're quite self explanatory...