Recent News
Entries from August 1, 2007 - August 31, 2007
Todays exciting hoof wall re-build
Today I got called to Sophie, owned by Michelle Lindsay, as she had pulled off a hind shoe and was missing a vast quantity of hoof wall. She was quite sore on her foot and there just wasn't anything to nail to. I re-built her foot with a product called Adhere made by Vettec. It is a Epoxy Resin that sets in 30 seconds and can also be used to glue shoes on. I then was able to nail through the filler to give added security to the shoe. Here are some before and after pictures. Click on either of the images below to see the full case study.
A little over horsed!!
This is Flicker a foal born at only 18" long this year. Go to the Horse Portfolio section to see more horses that I do.
Issue 14 of my Newsletter
I have just sent you all Issue 14 the Summer edition of my Newsletter. I hope you enjoy it. It can also be found in the Newsletter Archives section. There are some great pictures within this issue, to entice you here is a picture of a dissection that is included.
Weekend away to the New Forest
I've just had a lovely weekend down with all the New Forest Ponies, thought I'd share with you a cute picture I got.
Just goes to show what you can change in 6 weeks
6 weeks ago I shod Tory for the first time. His frogs had atrophied away and weren't functioning as they should. Due to his frogs not coming into contact with the ground his heels had also contracted. On my second visit to Tory I was amazed at how different his feet were looking. He had the healthiest, big bulbous frogs. And was obviously landing much better on his feet with a nice heel first landing.
Below is the difference made within just a 6 week period. Click on the images to see the full case study.