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Entries from March 1, 2008 - March 31, 2008

Coronary band angle of the hind foot

Below are two examples of the difference in the angle of the coronary band on the hind foot. Without being fortunate enough to have radiographs of each foot we shoe we can use some external things to help tell us what angle the Pedal Bone is within the hoof capsule. Looking at the top picture this is a horse with a good Positive angle of the Pedal Bone. This line correctly runs forward and contacts the back of the knee. Where as the horse below more than certainly has a Negative Sole Plane of the Pedal Bone. If you look at your horse from the side and envisage this straight line, the higher the line is above the knee the more likely the horse is to having a Negative Sole Plane. The picture of the sagittal section in the post below actually has a Negative Sole Plane too. You can also see how the front of the hoof wall is slightly domed this is where the Pedal Bone has been forced forwards due to it being tipped back.



Posted on Friday, March 7, 2008 at 01:07PM by Registered CommenterBeckie Mabbutt | CommentsPost a Comment