Recent News
Entries from September 1, 2012 - September 30, 2012
October 25th Client Evening
After the success of the last two educational evenings, The Farriery Practice are holding another client evening with the topic being "Laminitis". We are hoping to have 3 half an hour lectures from a farrier, vet and nutritionists. We're hoping to give you some practical first aid advise and some early signs so this traumatic condition can be avoided.
Although a free event Places are limited so if you are interested in joining us please get in touch to confirm you place.
Strange sole defect
Below is a bare foot horse that over the past 5 months has developed this irregular patch of sole. There is no sensitivity or lameness caused by it, no discharge but it is a very different consistency to regular tough sole. I'm looking into what this may be.
Mare and Foal showing at Bucks County Show
Below is Winnie and Queeny strutting their stuff at Bucks County Show. Little Queeny did her first show at just 5-6 weeks old