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Entries from August 1, 2011 - August 31, 2011

Update on the Septic Pedal Bone....

Things are healing really well, the hospital plate and dressings are no longer needed. Our next hurdle is keeping on top of the granulation tissue that is filling the hole made from surgery and growing at quite a rate. We are applying pressure on it with the use of a hard pad and things are going really well. Every few weeks we have to trim away any protruding proud flesh which bleeds like anything but is not at all sore for the horse and is all part of the healing process. Although the pictures look horrific this horse is sound and now in light ridden work.

The picture below is four weeks later, looks a bit better

Posted on Wednesday, August 31, 2011 at 04:00PM by Registered CommenterBeckie Mabbutt | CommentsPost a Comment

Surgery on a Club footed Shetland

Dolly is a 12 year old miniature Shetland that has severe club feet. She has lived with it with no lameness until now and the tendons (Deep Digital flexor) are getting increasingly tight. The vet decided now was the time to cut the inferior check ligament and Deep Digital flexor tendons as she was no longer able to put her heels on the floor.

Below are the before and after pictures, she is doing remarkably well but will be on a 7-8 month rehabilitation programme. You'll see that her left front is the worse and still a little upright even after surgery.


Posted on Wednesday, August 31, 2011 at 03:09PM by Registered CommenterBeckie Mabbutt | CommentsPost a Comment

Good Meadow Hay for Sale

 Collect of Field (Washington)

Ready 17.8.2011 TODAY

£4 a bail

Call Pam on 01903 892203

Posted on Wednesday, August 17, 2011 at 10:27AM by Registered CommenterBeckie Mabbutt | CommentsPost a Comment