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Entries from May 1, 2014 - May 31, 2014

Poppy's before and after radiographs

Here is another Chronic Laminitic that also suffers from Cushings. This just shows what is possible with a trim. There is a little bit of re-modeling of the tip of the pedal bone. Poppy has had a cushings drugs raised and is currently a lot more comfortable.


Posted on Wednesday, May 14, 2014 at 10:22AM by Registered CommenterBeckie Mabbutt | CommentsPost a Comment

Long toes on Hinds

I recently shod a new horse Scooby a big cob that had very long pointy toes. What I want you to notice is the line I've drawn across the widest part of the foot doesn't change, so you can see just how long his toe was. Having the breakover shortened will make it a lot easier for him to roll over his toe, and make him less likely to trip.

Posted on Wednesday, May 14, 2014 at 10:03AM by Registered CommenterBeckie Mabbutt | CommentsPost a Comment

Pete's Laminitis

Laminitis has been pretty touch and go for some of the little Shetlands I do. This spring has taken it's toll. Here is the before and after of trimming little Peter Pan. His feet grow at a real rate, and he also hates having the front wall dressed forward and fights me until he gets so tired he has to give up!!

Posted on Wednesday, May 14, 2014 at 09:58AM by Registered CommenterBeckie Mabbutt | CommentsPost a Comment

Crack Update

Below is an update on how good Finn's cracks are looking. He is competing quite a lot so trying to make his crack patch look as discreet as possible. With a little black paint on top you can hardly notice it. The first photo is to remind you what it looked like 6 months ago.


Posted on Wednesday, May 14, 2014 at 09:47AM by Registered CommenterBeckie Mabbutt | CommentsPost a Comment