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Entries from August 1, 2008 - August 31, 2008

Look at this nasty bruise

This nasty bruise is on a 17.2hh Brood Mare. She has very weak flat feet. Due to the extra weight at the end of her pregnancy she got a severe bruise around her bar and heel area. Her feet just can't manage that extra weight. She is now a lot sounder having given birth and the bruising is growing out nicely. I'll update you with a picture next time I shoe her to show you how it's coming along.

Posted on Saturday, August 23, 2008 at 07:25PM by Registered CommenterBeckie Mabbutt | CommentsPost a Comment

Dissection Evening 23rd September

I'm holding a Leg Dissection evening in my Garage on Tue 23rd September at 7pm. It's open to all of my clients and will be very informal with nibbles provided but if you could please bring any beverages with you that you may like. I'm really looking forward to the evening as I've already got a good list of people wanting to come.

Please do let me know if you're interested so I can get an idea of numbers. If you can't make this date but are still wanting to come do let me know as I'll plan a second evening.

For any of you that are a little squeamish trust me they'll be very fresh so won't smell and there's barely any blood. It's just really interesting to see what's actually going on inside. You can have a pull of all the tendons and see how the leg actually functions, I'm sure you'll all get a lot out of it.

Here's an example of what you'll be able to see.


Posted on Wednesday, August 20, 2008 at 08:41PM by Registered CommenterBeckie Mabbutt | CommentsPost a Comment

DIY Livery

Stables and all year turnout available in Steyning, with direct access to the Downs. Brick build stables, water, electricity, separate tack room and barn for storage. WC on site.

Private location. £30 per week.

Including: Rubber / Sand school

Tel: 01903 813868 or Mob: 07802 331340

Posted on Wednesday, August 20, 2008 at 08:32PM by Registered CommenterBeckie Mabbutt | CommentsPost a Comment