Recent News
Entries from May 1, 2013 - May 31, 2013
Thickening of Tissue
Below is a strange trauma injury, probably caused by a horse coming down on the front of Apache's front foot. Visibly all we could see was a slight horizontal crack, but at the same time he went lame. He was on and off lame for about 4 weeks, showing some improvement after rest. Radiographically all looked fine, despite what looked like some dirt wedged in this crack.
Due to the lameness persisting Apache was sent for an MRI, as nerve blocks, radiographs and hoof testing wasn't conclusive.
He was found to have a mass of abnormal tissue under his hoof wall (like scar tissue) but within this four week period it had caused the Pedal bone to sink! So action needed to be taken straight away to prevent his pedal bone sinking further.
Apache went for surgery, and although a Keretoma wasn't found there was a thickening of the corium which was removed.
It will be a long healing process, but he is doing well post surgery and back home bearing weight well.
I will keep you updated with how this grows down.
First Aid Course
I've recently been on a refresher first aid course, specifically for farriery related injuries. Also got to try out the defibrillator.
Here I was being used as a guinipig!!
Foal foot at 4 weeks old
Foals need very frequent trimming starting at roughly four weeks. This allows us to eliminate the early distortions that develop that will affect the horse in later life.