Recent News
Entries from April 1, 2010 - April 30, 2010
Jen's new project
Jen a friend of mine, and excellent Farrier from Utah has just got this new exciting project. This is an extreme club foot. I look forward to sharing with you the pictures of what she manages to do with it.
Hoof Mapping Lecture
I was lucky enough to be invited to Myerscough College in Preston last week to do a 45 minute lecture to some Farrier Degree Students and a class of Second Year Apprentices.
My topic was Hoof Mapping, Trimming and Shoe Placement. It's a presentation I'm hoping to offer to all of you soon. Here is a picture of a Mapped out foot to give you an idea of what process I was describing.
Finding an Abscess
Rosie had an abscess here is the process of finding it...First I hoof tested the foot and found pain on the outside.
First I saw a black track in the bar so I followed this to no avail.
When this came to nothing I found another black mark nearer the wall.
I then added some pressure with my thumb and started to see the black puss bubble out.
Then I want to make a large enough drainage hole so as it doesn't close up and re-infect.
Now it's ready for a poultice and she already felt better.
Lottie's Abscess
Lottie was unlucky to get an abscess recently. I thought it was a good example of the puss being released. The pain comes from the pressure so once released and a few days with a poultice she should be fine.